Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Design of Clutch


The design of the clutch is based on two theory named as uniform pressure theory and uniform wear theory. 

Following things has to be considered while designing...

  • Power: What amount of power is to be transmitted by the clutch, for a given power, the torque is to be calculated by the power torque relation.                                                                                 [ Power = Torque* Angular Velocity]
  • Size: How much space is available for installation of the clutch. 
(a) For a given torque, sufficient space is available for installation of the clutch, a single plate clutch is used. Cars, Trucks, Buses, Loaders etc... heavy and big machine are equipped with a single plate clutch.
(b) For a given torque, the size of the clutch plate is more but space for the installation is less, a multi-plate clutch is to be used instead of single plate clutch. Motorcycle, bike, scooter, mopeds etc... are equipped with multi-plate clutch for power transmission. 

In the case of space limitation, a multi-plate clutch is used instead of single plate clutch. for the design of multi-clutch first, decide the diameter of the clutch plate and by using mathematical relation, find the torque transmitted by a single plate of the multi-plate clutch (T1)

Torque (T) = Power/Angular Velocity
Torque transmitted by a single plate of the multi-plate clutch (T1)
Number of the plate in multi-plate clutch = T/T1


 Uniform Pressure
The torque that can be transmitted by a clutch is a function of its geometry and the magnitude of the actuating force applied as well the condition of contact prevailing between the members. The applied force can keep the members together with a uniform pressure all over its contact area and the consequent analysis is based on uniform pressure condition

Uniform wear
However, as time progresses some wear takes place between the contacting members and this may alter or vary the contact pressure appropriately and uniform pressure condition may no longer prevail. Hence the analysis here is based on uniform wear condition

Torque transmitted by Uniform Pressure

The differential equation for axial load



Differential equation for frictional force


Differential equation of Torque


Integrating above torque equation, we can get, Torque transmitted by Uniform Pressure


Torque transmitted by Uniform Wear

C is wearing constant = intensity of pressure*radius    [ C=p*r]


Integrating above torque equation, we can get, Torque transmitted by Uniform Wear

Cone clutch

The torque transmitted by the cone clutch is given by the following equation
is the semi-cone angle.

For more reading click below link
Introduction to clutch

Friction clutch

1 comment:

  1. Great post. These plates are manufactured by the vendors using superior grade mild steel so as to ensure their longer service life and high tensile strength. ms plate price in Chennai will offer you an affordable price.
